Monday, March 19, 2007

Information-based Space

I spent these days in reviewing statistics-related stuff. Something like information theory, probability estimation etc. Many useful methods in PR or CV are based on information theory, like: HMM, MRFs, EM method, ICA, GMM and so on.
When googling, I found mutual information is also used for feature selection, which is called Minimum Redundancy Maximum Dependency method. Maybe it can be also use for feature extraction, like LDA, but it works in a "probability-based space, which adopts the mutual information or symmetric KL divergence as the metric.
In the next few days, hope to have time review something about affine geometry and functional analysis. I really can't afford to waste a sec. Of course, allways keep thinking is a good habit:-)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

some new plans

It's hard to form a good habit, but it is worth. So I think something must be altered to do research efficiently.
1. Use time efficiently.
(Most important)
DO NOT spend much time on searching, reading and thinking is more important. So before the searching, make sure to know what you want  and keep a road map in case of being lost.
Abstain from the reading and talking about political topics. What you say makes no differences for this country, for you are not the saviour. Doing research is the best way to pursue your freedom.

2. Adjust the daily route. Get up a little earlier and sleep before 12. Good for both health and research. Try to study in the lib or other quiet classrooms. Think what you've done everyday when go to  bed. Write some research-related stuff in the blog when arriving at the dorm.

3.Keep thinking and writing down your ideas. Though most of them have been done or even perfectly by others, whatever, you can avoid wasting time on it. Try to contact with top researchers.



能有似孙中山先生的人士出现;能有似蒋经国先生的leader(slim hope);在保留中华文化的前提下从国外引进民主。

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

a good website for optical illusion
This web collects many optical illustion examples. Some demos are very cool.  Now I am clear what I've seen may not as what it really is. I was cheated by my brain instead of my eyes, for the learning ability of the brain is far complicated than eyes. Hope one day I can get an idea to utilize these illusions

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


早上去跑到光楼旁听现代微分几何,发现教室没有人,后来路过一MM,打听得知课从4月开始。然后在教室看自己下载的lecture notes,诺大的教室只有一个人,于是边看边听一下音乐。甚爽,发现一个好去处。
然后去图书馆自习,发现一个问题:再用google的时候,很容易偏离最初的目标。比如要查关于的A的资料,不过由于资料丰富,最后可能跑到Z上去了。效率不高。找到这样一个方法来解决:打开一个文本编辑软件做记录,比如今天查资料:Calibration->Camera Distortion->Brown-conrady model ->Fisheye lens distortion->Chromatic aberration. 大约4、5步左右,太长就返回。中间遇到问题或者有些想法就马上记下来,以后还可以留作参考。这样可以清晰的看到的自己的目的和当前的步骤。
还有个问题:本本用的是ipw3945无线网卡,ubuntu edgy下用network manager老会出现掉线,然后就开始拼命扫描网络,导致死机状。有哪位过路人知道如何解决,麻烦告知。PS:2.6.17 kernel generic.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


开学第一次到张江,可惜的是没吃上这里的早餐,因为上学期来了一次发现这里的早餐味道不错。不过今天又发现另外一个好处,WIFI网络速度奇快,而且可以联通国际网,research channel是相当地流畅,网速又几百K. 可惜来到本部的图书馆只能上国内网,国际网还要用宿舍的代理,速度也不快。 看来,必要时可以去张江自习。