Friday, November 24, 2006

Google at work on desktop Linux

PS: It is exactly what I've imagined, and I give it a name called Gbuntu :-)

Search engine giant preps own version of Ubuntu

Published Tuesday 31st January 2006 13:46 GMT
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Google is preparing its own distribution of Linux for the desktop, in a possible bid to take on Microsoft in its core business - desktop software.

A version of the increasingly popular Ubuntu desktop Linux distribution, based on Debian and the Gnome desktop, it is known internally as 'Goobuntu'.

Google has confirmed it is working on a desktop linux project called Goobuntu, but declined to supply further details, including what the project is for.

It's possible that it's just one of the toys Googleplex engineers play with on Fridays, when they get time off from buffing the search engine code or filtering out entries about Tiananmen Square.

It could be for wider deployments on the company's own desktops, as an alternative to Microsoft, but still for internal use only.

But it's possible Google plans to distribute it to the general public, as a free alternative to Windows.

Google has already demonstrated an interest in building a presence on the desktop. At CES Las Vegas this month, it announced the Google Pack , a collection of desktop software bundled together for easy downloading.

The pack includes many apps which compete directly with the Windows bundle, such as Google Talk, Google Desktop, Mozilla Firefox, the Trillian instant messenger client, RealPlayer, and Picasa photo management.

Going the whole hog and distributing a complete desktop software suite would merely be another step down the same path.

However, entering the desktop software world would be a huge step. Making Goobuntu as easy to use as XP will require a lot more development. It's unlikely to be ready for showtime any time soon, and it's possible Google itself hasn't finalised where the project should go.

Whatever Google's intentions, the input of Google engineers and developers, writing new features and fixing bugs, will be a huge boost to the Ubuntu project.

Ubuntu, funded by the South African internet multimillionaire and occasional cosmonaut Mark Shuttleworth, is already emerging as a leader in the desktop Linux world.

It has built considerable momentum in the Linux community, and is starting to appear more widely. Shuttleworth is seeking to persuade white-box PC manufacturers to start shipping machines with Ubuntu preinstalled.

It is top of the Distrowatch download chart, is installed on up to six million computers, and doubling every eight months, according to estimates from Shuttleworth's company, Canonical.

It has spawned a number of different offshoots, including Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu (for schools).

The word Ubuntu means "humanity to others" in several African languages, including Zulu and Xhosa. It's one of the founding principles of post-apartheid South Africa. The origin of the word 'Goobuntu' is not clear, though it does not appear in online Zulu dictionaries.

The domain has been registered in the past couple of days, though presumably not by Google. It now redirects to a Cuban portal. Perhaps Google will have to think of a new name for the system before they launch it to the wider public. ®


真是祸不单行,先是前天晚上落枕,搞的脖子疼的要命,晚上吃饭的时候一不小心向后仰了一下,疼痛加剧. 然后,可怜的我嘴上又起了溃疡,疼的更是要命,师兄说吃点熟番茄会好点, 然后今天中午要了个番茄蛋汤, 结果鸡蛋不少,番茄不多. 接着是早上起来嗓子继续疼,看来是真的感冒了, 马老师打来电话,布置了一点小任务,听出我感冒后,建议我赶快去买点药,多穿衣服,多加被子等,感动不已.
PS: 尽管如此,昨天的感恩节过的还是很开心的, 中午树林师姐请客去老巷腐败了一下,然后晚上和几个师兄一起,施老师又请客去教授餐厅好好腐败了一下,一个汤基本被我和丹平抢光. 可惜一直淅淅沥沥的小雨干扰人的情绪

Thursday, November 23, 2006


下周又要轮到我做 presentation了,一堆的survey要等真看. 最近天天下雨,也不大,就是阴雨连绵的,搞的人好郁闷,也怪不得复旦老有人跳楼.

Peipei上周来带了好多糖,昨天吃了好多,早上起来竟然嗓子疼,难道吃糖还能和吃瓜子一样?还有,鼻梁上起了一个小痘痘, 老感觉不舒服啊, 唉, rp攒的不够啊!

师兄们在忙着CVPR, 可惜我没有好的的idea,只能继续积累中.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


吃过晚饭回宿舍去拿东西,发现一个包裹单, 猜测是ubuntu的光盘寄来了. 好像自己注册了还没几天,没想到这么快就寄送来了.本来打算自己刻录一个,结果刚好实验室的光盘用完了, 就在晚上注册了一下,希望能寄来Ubuntu6.06LTS. 前几天服务器出了问题,准备搭建linux服务器,就借了一鸣的一张ubuntu光盘, 谢谢他送给了那张盘.
剩余的盘送给周围喜欢linux的朋友,期盼google的linux也能早日出来,希望也能像ubuntu一样免费发放:-) Posted by Picasa


昨天从月光博客上得知, blogspot又可以正常访问了,我试了一下,发现果然可以了. 昨天还考虑着准备把blogspot绑定到bloggerspaces上去,尽管每年要交20元的服务费,不过还可以接受. Ycul好几次上不去,每次更新还要上ycul上,很是麻烦.
现在有可以用gmail或者docs等来方便的更新了,装了office2007, 其中的word也可以实现blogger的直接更新,方便多了.
中午看李敖有话说, 感觉他真是老糊涂了, 满嘴ZG腔调, 动不动就"一个中国"的框架, 难道还希望台湾人民也想我们一样么, 无法正常使用这么多丰富的网络资源,无法从媒体中得知真正的资讯, 就更不用提选举权罢免权了. 希望他的支持率保持在5%不要变.
还是那句老话, 民可载舟,亦可覆舟.

Monday, November 06, 2006


GFW封了blogger的这几天, 自己也懒的用国内虚拟机或者用自由门之类的破网软件来更新, 一是感觉气愤, 搞的都没心情写,二是感觉麻烦.
今天看了一鸣的blogger后, 还是决定不搬到ycul上去了,主要还是因为用它方便,我可以用gmail更新,我可以用google toolbar中的blog this直接发布,我还可以用google的Docs来更新等等,尽管前一段时间超忙,好几天没有更新,不过最近算是好多了.